Today is a DOODLE freebie. Is everyone ready for spring? I sure am. I went for prayer yesterday and the lady said that I am stressed. Hmm ya think lol. What I have been through in the past 5 years is enough for 10 women to handle put Praise GOD I am coming out on the other side. The doctors are still not able to help but since I had prayer last Friday and yesterday my hands and rash are 80% better no kidding! I am just going to keep my mind on HIM. There is a scripture that this friend gave me Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep in perfect peace the mind stayed on thee. I need to stay in peace because the stress was killing me. Can anyone relate. We sure overload as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, employees, employers. We try to do it all instead casting our cares on HIM for He cares for us! Don't kill yourself ladies. Do something for yourself today. A walk alone, read, a long bubble bath, cooking just for fun or whatever relaxes you.. Stop the madness before it gets to late hehe.. Love you. Please leave some love and remember How special you are to GOD today...
Inspire someone to just RELAX today!