Sunday, August 17, 2008

Good Morning. Sunday August 18th wow

Joshie Spish Splashing away on a Saturday
A happy Saturday in the baby blow up pool

Can you believe that it is nearing the end of August already. Ok so only about 2 more weeks before my computer arrives I think I am going bonkers hehe. I miss my graphics program so when I get my computer and figure out Vista I will be back with lots of great goodies. What are your plans for this Sunday. We are going to church and then coming home to relax before a busy week.

Ok so school is starting and I have two small ones. Here are some great healthy ideas for kids.

Bag-lunch ideas that require no refrigeration:

Mozzarella string-cheese sticks

Orange wedges

Whole-wheat carrot muffins
Bagel spread with cream cheese (you may want to try minibagels for small children)

Sugar snap peas

Box of raisins
Tortilla rolled up with a slice of mild cheese

Fresh green beans

Small tangerines (Clementines are so easy to peel that the kids can do it themselves)
Banana bread spread with peanut butter and a little honey

Cucumber coins

Melon cubes
Cream cheese and apple butter on whole-grain bread

Veggie mix (baby carrots, snap peas)

Dried apricots
Half of a pita stuffed with shredded carrot and mild cheese (or peanut butter)

Individual cup of applesauce
How about using the following chart to mix and match from?

Select one from each group.
Pita (either small individual size or half of a regular-size)
Quick bread (banana, pumpkin, apple, etc.)
Whole-wheat bun
Raisin bread
Peanut butter, plain or with (pick one) honey, banana, jelly, shredded carrot, raisin
Cream cheese, plain or with (pick one) jelly, apple butter, shredded veggies
Mild cheese
Baby carrots or carrot sticks
Fresh green beans
Sugar snap peas
Cucumber coins
Crisp, tender broccoli florets sprinkled with non-salt seasoning
Zucchini sticks
Half a banana
Small apple
Orange wedge
Raisins or other dried fruits
Drained pineapple chunks (or fresh)
Individual applesauce container
Melon cubes

I hope that you can find inspiration in these ideas, and that the kids are excited to find new treats in their lunchbags.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for writing.
Sincerely,Sue Gilbert LINK
Another great BAG Lunch link is Moms Cook

Inspire someone to eat healthy today!




Carol R. said...

Kristin, I hope your computer arrives soon, for the sake of your sanity. The bag lunch ideas are great. I take my lunch to work and always have a problem with finding items not requiring refrigeration. These sound like just the ticket for a change to the regular routine sandwich. Thank you for sharing.

MrsRomer said...

This is an awesome post. Thank you so much for sharing!